Over the last few days I’ve reached out to a few old colleagues, mainly just to say hello and ask how they are. It’s been met with a deathly silence apart from one person. The only person to have come back to me is an old hospital radio colleague who still presents hospital radio and has no grandiose ideas of becoming famous. Just a lovely down to earth bloke. Shame the others weren’t the same.
On guy I messaged write a nice little bit about himself, and once I showed him who I was ignored me. The others have been active on their feeds but have just totally blanked me. What I find insulting about that is the fact that these people have gone on to be “well known” yet never seem to discuss their past (probably ashamed of it) and so me, saying hello has been a bit of their past popping up that obviously has no influence on them now to help their careers. I was there at the start but now I serve no purpose I’m ignored. And people asked me why I wouldn’t attend a reunion….
Probably is when they have a taste of stardom, they change, they become notoriously big headed, self centred and more interested in friends that can influence their career than those that grafted with them at the beginning teaching them their trade. I had more respect for my teachers at school than they have of me.
Sometimes I feel like an intruder when I try to reach out. Shunned to a life forever back in my box. Don’t get me wrong, a few people in the past that I’ve spoken to have been more than happy to take time out of their lives to chat to me, find out how I am and if there’s anything they can do for me because they thought highly of me. More surprising when these people were the ones that I never called friends. The ones I called friends are now it seems to far up their own arses, pretentious little wannabes that I’m far too common to even pass the time of day with.
Thing is, I still have a bit of influence, and if I so wanted could knock a few bricks out of their fairytale castles but I wouldn’t because I’m not like that, but I can bet you now. You used me and my talent on the way up. I’ll be waiting when you’re on the way down with the carpet corners in my hand to pull it from under your feet. Time will tell.
Back In Your Box You...
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