Monday 26 October 2015

Keeping Your Furry Friends Calm on Bonfire Night

We’re not that far away now until people get together to celebrate Bonfire Night, and of course on the 11th there’s Diwali, so it’s going to be fireworks aplenty over that week. It’s then more than ever we have to make sure our furry boys and girls stay calm and relaxed, knowing that as long as they stay indoors and feel safe, they’ll be safe.

When our Biscuit was around he would get incredibly upset with the bangs and whistles that fireworks would shoot across the sky. He’d cry, dig for cover, shake and get in a terrible state until we did one thing. We made a travel crate into a little hideaway for him. We covered it with a heavy throw and put the door facing the wall, giving him enough room to push his way into (apparently the action of that gives them the feeling of security) and allowed him to make his way there when he felt scared. This calmed him down tremendously and so when the fireworks ended, we’d inevitably find him cuddled up under a duvet, fast asleep in there. Unfortunately we only found that out a few years after he’d had a terrible time over one bonfire night, and gotten himself into such a state he was sick. Thankfully nothing ever that drastic happened to him again once we sorted out the crate trick for him.

That was our experience and how we helped him overcome it and thankfully Daddy Bo and the Furries aren’t that bothered with fireworks so we just keep them in and shut the curtains. However should your fur babies still be a little scared, here are 9 more tips from our friends over at Petplan that you might like to try out.


Let me know how you keep yours calm too, is there anything you have to do to comfort them through it?


NB: This post has been possible thanks to Petplan, but all thoughts are our own.

Keeping Your Furry Friends Calm on Bonfire Night

Thursday 22 October 2015

Diablo Sugar Free Goodies

It’s a myth that diabetics have to cut out all sugar in their diet. If I eat something with sugar in, unless it has a huge amount of carbohydrate in it, it doesn’t make my blood sugar rise, however as sugar just gives the body a large amount of energy in a very short amount of time and gives me what results in an emotional crash it’s common sense for me anyway, to limit the amount of sugar I have in my diet.

I find more difficulty in keeping my depression and anxiety on an even keel with what I eat compared to my diabetes, so generally I try to limit the amount of carbohydrates and sugar, doubling the amount of protein I eat to make me feel healthier. However sometimes I do want a treat but I want that treat to be healthy to an extent.

Recently I’ve been turning to Diablo Sugar Free goodies to help my cravings during my depression as it doesn’t give me a sugar rush. There is an amazing range of sugar free goodies that they manufacture so you won’t find yourself having a rollercoaster of energy rises and falls after treating yourself to a little naughtiness.

diablo sugar free

Chocolate Spread is a bit of a downfall for me as I will spread it on almost anything, but I had no idea that Diablo made a sugar free one! That made my day when I found out. It’s amazing stuff and near enough identical to Nutella so you don’t feel that you’re missing out at all. It’s quite versatile too. I mix it with a bit of butter and icing sugar for cake toppings, put it in my porridge in the morning, spread it on spikelets or melt it a little to put on the soya ice cream that I have in abundance in my freezer. Hey, I’ve even been known to eat it by the tablespoon for a chocolate kick it’s so good. You just have to remember not to eat too much of it because Maltitol is also known as quite a veracious bowel mover…

diablo sugarfree

The range includes some fabulous sugar free sweets (which I raved about on the Lifestyle Blog a while back), muesli bars and also No Added Sugar wafer bars. It’s these I’ve fallen for as wafers tend to be my go to biscuit in a box of family favourites so with it being chocolate coated it’s going to be a winner. 150 calories per 30g bar too so not a bad treat by any means.

Their peanut cookies have also been a winner in our house. I crush them up and use them as toppings on my low fat tiramisu, as bases on low fat cheesecakes or just to nibble with a lovely cup of earl grey green tea which I’m quite partial to at present.

You can buy their whole range from their website at Diablo Sugar Free as well as sites like Amazon, so they’re pretty easy to get hold of if you want to give them a go, so diet friendly naughties are indeed well within your reach.

Diablo Sugar Free Goodies

Friday 16 October 2015

Me and My Mental Health

Me and My Mental Health

Ever since my Dad passed away in 1997 I’ve had depression. They didn’t give me any counselling even though I asked for help and just threw antidepressants, namely Prozac at me to cope. I couldn’t cope. Prozac made me feel like a zombie so I just stumbled day after day feeling helpless. Even dating Andy in the early stages I was wracked with feelings of guilt for not being there for my Dad, I didn’t visit him, I couldn’t, I hated hospitals and that was because of two things. When I was 5 I slipped on sand in my nursery and cracked my head wide open as I fell as I hit a bench on the way down. I can remember being in a very dark room with a light overhead and my Mum standing at the door telling me to stay still as they (I assume) xrayed me. Then my Mum went into have a hysterectomy when I was 7 and back in the 70s you were in hospital for about a week. I missed her terribly and every time we left her there I cried. I felt so empty and my hate of hospitals came from there. All through my younger years I was in and out of doctors for one reason and another, mainly bronchitis which I seemed to have constantly, and that meant lots of time off school. This lead to be being bullied at school. Kids always seem to pick on the ones that are a little weaker (rules of the jungle I guess as all bullies are animals). I seem to remember a few times when I was a kid just losing the plot (perhaps the fall caused damage). One sports day I ran out of the playing field and across a busy main road, I’m lucky I wasn’t hit and I remember the helper screaming at me but it was an impulse thing, I have no recollection of thinking about doing it, my body just did it. It was like a head rush thing.

Not much else happened then until I was 14 years old (although thinking about it I do remember now and then running up to my bedroom, throwing myself on my bed and crying, saying that I was too young to die). I have a recollection of it being about the time of the Corona Bubble Advert as I had lots of stickers of the Corona Bubbles on my bed head or wardrobe at the time, so I was probably about 9 at the time. I just remember having this overwhelming emptiness in my heart and feelings of despair overwhelming me. Although I think it was probably caused through losing my budgie (I don’t cope with death of pets very well at all). This coincided with my Dad falling over and breaking his ankle, or there about. It may even have been over a 2 year period but seems to all have got bunched into one.

My depression when I was 14 lasted 3 months. From then on I was proud to have beaten it and would often talk about it with others knowing that I’d come out of it and felt stronger.

Then nothing at all much happened until 1997 when Dad died. I was my Dad’s carer from the age of 14 and again, back in the 80s there wasn’t any help for young carers. You were just left to get on with it. Mum would be out working, I would come home from school and look after him. Then my granddad died and ended up living with us, so Mum cared for him and I cared for Dad. I didn’t have much of a youth if I’m honest.

Fast forward to my miscarriage in 1997. That was one hell of a time too. Both me and Andy broke under the strain with that. Depression I had was horrendous, then losing a baby (long story but was caused through a smear with a nurse who at the time was having a nervous breakdown herself, and even though I pointed out the pregnancy test she gave me said positive, she drew across the lines and threw it in the bin telling me I was wrong). I regret to this day not fighting back but I was just too mentally weak from the depression. I then had a whole 3 years where I bled constantly. Since they took the nurses word that I wasn’t pregnant they left me to suffer for 3 years losing blood. Eventually my doctor listened and sent me to hospital to get sorted. Pills, pills and more pills later, it was sorted. I haven’t however been able to get pregnant since and now at 43 my chance has gone. I’m never going to be anyone’s Mum so I have to resign myself to that. It’s devastating. Makes you feel less of a woman. And right now I think I’m pre-menopausal too so that certainly doesn’t help my case.

Anyway, let’s get back on track. Year before last I decided to lose my weight. i did ok, I lost 8 stone and felt amazing. But my SAD started up again in the September and my body craved sugar. Long story short, I put it back on again. So I’m back to square one. The guilt of doing that is constant.

We then get to January last year. We lost my fur boy Biscuit. He was one of the reasons I lived. He was my world. I had never loved a dog as much as I adored him. I used to say to Andy that I felt like I’d given birth to him my feelings were that strong and the vets killed him with a pathetic diagnosis, and the fact that they left him to suffer for 48 hours doing nothing. Bastards. I’m in tears writing that bit. I will never forgive them for taking away my baby boy. I grieved, I’m still grieving for him now but the first few weeks were horrendous. I felt so numb. But one early morning I was having a dream about him. I called out to him and at that same time I woke up. He was standing there looking over me. The feelings of despair disappeared right then and there. He came to me in my hour of need like he had done 12 years previously.

So I’ve kind of struggled this last 8 months. My eating has been out of control. Latte’s and sweets every single day. It’s like I’m on a mission to destroy myself. Burying my head in the sand. But this is no good. It’s thrown my diabetes completely out of control again and when I get like that I get sloppy. I forget to take my medication (anti depressants and vitamins) and forgetting a few days worth of those throws me out. Being pre menopausal at the moment too, the hot sweats have been driving me nuts. Waking up drenched 2 weeks before every period, an aching knee, stiff neck, bad shoulder and worst of all, lumpy, sore boobs. Like all women should I regularly check my boobs for lumps but for some reason when I get this SAD depression I get paranoid and feeling my boobs last week I found lumps (although they are just the milk ducts which always swell with hormonal changes) but my head won’t listen. I also have a clear liquid coming out of my nipples when I squeeze them – again another sign of being premenopausal so I’m not worried. I only get it 2 weeks before my period and then during my period but nothing after until the 2 weeks thing starts all over again, so I’m not concerned, it’s natural. I even think my Mum went through the same. But it all disappears when my period is finished.

So I have all that going on in my head which I say nothing about. I don’t tell Andy any of it because I’m sick of thinking about it myself, so certainly don’t want to talk about it and bore myself even more.

Then last week I hear that a guy I went to school with had died. I found out a few years back that he fancied me back then. I was known as “the one that didn’t know” because I hadn’t got a clue but when I found out I was chuffed. I never thought anyone would have fancied me back then and it made me happy that even though I was like I was, someone still saw something in me. Back when he told me, he also told me he’d love us to get together but as I was with Andy, as much as I was flattered I declined. Still felt good though that he still had a thing for me. Boosted my confidence. However we stopped speaking and had just started speaking again a few weeks back. He then broke his hip and was in hospital. Last time I spoke to him he said he was miserable, bored and tired, I then replied but although he saw it he didn’t reply. But he always took ages so didn’t give it a second thought. Friday last week he was out of hospital but got a blood clot and died. I didn’t find out till Sunday. Now I didn’t speak much to him the thought that part of my youth had died shocked me to the core. He was 6 months younger than me too and had diabetes. I’ve had to unfriend his profiles now on social media, and not because I wanted to but because the outpouring of grief for him from all his friends makes me feel worse. He was loved by so many people, just reading their tributes was enough to make me feel numb. I just couldn’t do it any more. I have enough of my own worries to read how distressed others are.

Anyhow. It’s taken it’s toll on me this last week. I couldn’t stop thinking about him for a few days, I also haven’t been sleeping well due to the night sweats, shoulder pain has been at an all time high too, and I’ve had a bloody stye on my eye (so I know I’m run down). Oh what a palaver.

I’m sitting here with my Lightbox which after a cup of matcha green tea does make me feel a bit better. I usually sit in front of it for a few hours to feel the benefit, and have to remember to double my vitamin B6/B12 too just to kick it in the arse and leave me alone.


But that’s me at the moment. For the next week I’ll neck lots of green tea, eat lots of salmon and green leafy veg. I also have to remember not to grind my teeth (it’s a great tip that, if you find yourself doing it, relax your jaw as you can’t be stressed if your teeth are parted and jaw relaxed). With that and doing what the Linden Method promotes (keep your mind busy) I’m sure I’ll be ok. It might take a little while but I’ll be back to 100% soon. That’s life I guess.

Me and My Mental Health

Thursday 8 October 2015

Degustabox September 2015

Degustabox this month was as usual, pretty amazing. I love this little box of goodies because you never know from one month to the next what you’re going to get an 9/10 you get something brand new to the market that you get to trial. What’s better than that?


Let’s delve into this month’s box and let you know what you can expect if you were to sign up too!

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

Bassets Berry Mix Jelly Babies

Good Cider of San Sebastian

Up and Go Breakfast Drink

Mallow and Marsh Raspberry Marshmallows

Maynard Wine Gums

Portlebay Popcorn

TG Green Tea

Complete Energy Bites

Sweet Sally Tea

So let’s take an in-depth look into this wonderful box of goodies.

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, one of the most popular peanut butter confectionary delights in the US has in recent times been seen more and more on our UK supermarket shelves. Now I don’t mind the little cups, but these are huge! Way too much for me to eat on my own, so I had to share them with Andy who thinks they’re amazing.


I much preferred the Berry Mix from Bassetts as I’m probably the biggest jelly baby fan on the planet. This bag was purely the Berry Mix bag as we all know there’s never enough of those in the classic bags as they tend to be everyone’s favourite.


Maynard Wine Gums come in a favourites pack too – just the black and red ones (no opaque ones – boo hoo) again, one whole pack of people’s favourites so no more shuffling through the box just to find them.

Being a fan of marshmallow I’m surprised with myself that I’ve never actually tried the Mallow and Marsh range of them. I’ve often taken a look at their website and lusted after their Peppermint and Dark Chocolate ones but never got around to purchasing any. We were lucky enough to receive a mini taster box of the Raspberry flavour and to be honest, they’re lovely. A little different to regular marshmallows and not as chewy but I definite winner amongst us mallow fans. I’d go as far to say that I might even buy a box to share when friends come over at Christmas (if of course they last that long and Andy keeps them out of my way putting them on the high shelf in the kitchen).

September Degustabox

Now I’ve often eaten popcorn but never actually found these in our supermarket to purchase and that’s Portlebay Popcorn. Often seen it advertised and have entered their competitions numerous times to win some of their goodies but all to no avail so finding not one but two bags of it in this month’s box made my day. Hand popped in glorious Devon we had the delectable Original Sweet and Salty to try plus the brand new and utterly sensational Cappuccino flavour. I couldn’t get enough of the new flavour, and just so Andy to try some himself, he had to grab them out of my hand because there was no way I was giving them away without a struggle. This has got to be my favourite out of the whole box this month and will actively search now to try and find some to stash away for my “me time moments.”

It was drinks a plenty too this time what with TG Green Tea, Sweet Sally Tea and The Good Cider of San Sebastian so we had a lot to choose from after we opened the box. I grabbed a bottle of Green Tea which came in two out of the three flavours available. The Mandarin and Ginseng was a very light sweet orange which ice cold was beautiful. There wasn’t a huge taste of green tea in the drink but all the benefits. Probably good for those who don’t particular care for the regular green tea flavour but want something light and healthy. If you like tea but not green tea then Sweet Sally Tea might be better for you. This is a spiced tea made with Ceylon black tea, Spanish oranges, Sicilian lemons, a touch of organic sugar and a blend of cinnamon and cloves. Andy thought it was really nice but I found it a little too bitter for me. It wasn’t unlike Lemon Tea with a few spices which he’s quite a fan of anyway, so is more him than me.

The Cider didn’t get consumed until the weekend when we decided to have a roast dinner (which we haven’t had in a long time). I have to be careful though as sulfites in alcoholic drinks gives me stomach cramp which can last for days, so it was just a little sip for me and so I chose the pear. It wasn’t so much a sharp pear flavour but a very sweet conference pear flavour which threw me back a good few years to when we started growing our own pears and extracting our own pear juice from them. I think this is a perfect pear cider that actually taste of pear rather than being overwhelmed with the taste of alcohol.

No cereal in this month’s box, but 2 imports from Down Under designed for you if you’re on the go. Up&Go is like a milky porridge drink. We had chocolate and vanilla flavours to try and I thought they were great. The chocolate was much more my thing. Chocolatey, thick and just like eating my favourite 1970s breakfast in a bottle. Vanilla was ok but was much more like a regular milky porridge and as much as I liked it, I prefer having something substantial for breakfast that I can eat and takes longer to digest than a drink. Fantastic for you if you are indeed on the go every morning and just don’t have time to sit down and eat.


Finally if you need an instant boost to improve your alternates, endurance and physical energy then you’ll love Complete Energy Bites. These are little chocolate covered pocket rockets infused with caffeine which equals 1 large premium coffee. They are only little bites so whatever you do, don’t eat more than one even though they are incredibly moorish. One is totally enough and they are very high in caffeine and any more than that, you’ll be bouncing off the walls or up all night hoovering.

You too can try Degustabox with a £6 discount if you add the code BLDEG15 when you order. Can’t say fairer than that. – website – Facebook – twitter


Degustabox September 2015

Thursday 1 October 2015

Competition Time with Serenata Flowers

Fancy splashing out on something for yourself or a loved one but can’t afford it right now, then this is the competition for you. Our friends at Serenata Flowers have kindly offered one of our lovely readers a £40 voucher to treat themselves.

Visit the competition page for more details, and keep everything crossed because it could be you!

Competition Time with Serenata Flowers